BiTIA is a tool that simplifies the infrastructure required to run complex bioinformatics pipelines. BiTIA plays well with the existing pipeline solution such as snakemake.
BiTIA has two components: **bitia-cli** and **bitita-runner**.
@@ -30,22 +26,6 @@ BiTIA runner is on the serverside and operates the given tasks to produce result
Most users only need the `bitia-cli` tool to submit tasks.
BiTIA CLI creates a zip file of the user input(pipeline) containing a unique hash and ships it to the server.
BiTIA is a tool that simplifies the infrastructure required to run complex bioinformatics pipelines. BiTIA plays well with the existing pipeline solution such as snakement.
BiTIA v1.0 comes with client facing bitia-cli and bitita-runner which manages things at the server end.
BiTIA has two components: bitia-cli and bitia-runner.
Creates a zip file of the user input(pipeline) containing a unique hash and ships it to the server.
Runs the following tasks in the server:
- Creates a docker container with the user input
- Runs the pipeline
- Sends log to the user
- Sends link of results(artifacts) to the user
- Interacts with common cache for reading data/reference files
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[see some examples]:examples
@@ -64,10 +44,6 @@ getting_started/Working
If you want to learn how to use BiTIA and installation, check out the following resources:
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@@ -75,7 +51,6 @@ If you want to learn how to use BiTIA and installation, check out the following
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To Install BiTIA using pip, run this command:
@@ -127,18 +102,6 @@ If you want to learn how to use BiTIA and installation, check out the following
$python3 -m pip install bitia
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### Bioinformatics Pipelines
@@ -152,14 +115,7 @@ NGS bioinformatics pipelines are frequently platform specific and may be customi
> Sequence generation (signal processing and base calling) is the process that converts sensor (optical and nonoptical) data from the sequencing platform and identifies the sequence of nucleotides for each of the short fragments of DNA in the sample prepared for analysis. For each nucleotide sequenced in these short fragments (ie, raw reads), a corresponding Phred-like quality score is assigned, which is sequencing platform specific. The read sequences along with the Phred-like quality scores are stored in a FASTQ file, which is a de facto standard for representing biological sequence information
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-[Working with BiTIA](getting_started/
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@@ -193,7 +149,6 @@ NGS bioinformatics pipelines are frequently platform specific and may be customi
#### Usage Examples
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-**Running Commands**
@@ -205,18 +160,6 @@ The above command will execute