Create container for the pipeline. The container starts running immediately on the server.
<div id="termynal" data-termynal>
<span data-ty="input">bitia create-container --help</span>
<span data-ty>Using server <a style="color:blue"></a>
<span data-ty>
Usage: bitia create-container [OPTIONS] USER_INPUT
Create container for the pipeline. The container starts running immediately on the server.
\* <b>user_input</b> TEXT [default: None] [required]
<b>--recreate</b> <b>--no-recreate</b> [default: no-recreate]
<b>--output-lines</b> TEXT
<b>--help</b> Show this message and exit.
<div id="termynal1" data-termynal>
<span data-ty="input">bitia create-container pipeline_medium1</span>
<span data-ty>Using server <a style="color:blue"></a>
<span data-ty="progress">
<script type="text/javascript" src="" data-termynal-container="#termynal|#termynal1"></script>