# BioInformatics Tool for Infrastructure Automation (BiTIA) CLI utility This is the cli utility of the BiTIA project. The other component is `bitia-runner`. Most users only need the cli client `bitia` to submit jobs. Install it using `pip`. ``` python -m pip install bitia --user python -m bitia --help ``` ## Configuration TODO: Order of searching configuration file. ### Unix like systems 1. `./bitia.toml` 2. `~/.bitia.toml` 3. `$HOME/.config/bitia.toml` 3. `/etc/bitia.toml` ### Windows 1. `bitia.toml` 2. `%APPDATA%\bitia.toml` 3. `%PROGRAMDATA%\bitia.toml` ## BiTIA runner If you are self-hosting the BiTIA server, you need `bitia-runner` as well. See the documents of `bitia-runner` for more details. TODO. ## EXAMPLES 1. Using samtools to view a fastq file <div style="display: grid;grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;grid-gap: 20px;flex-direction:row;"> <div style="padding-left: 40px;"> <h3>NORMAL PIPELINE EXECUTION CODE</h3> <img src="./docs/source/img/readme_example_1.gif" /> </div> <div > <h3>BITIA EXECUTION CODE</h3> <img src="./docs/source/img/readme_example_1_bitia.gif" /> </div> </div>