From cd009379aad7b8f4cb410f5c191705bd56f660b5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dilawar Singh <>
Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2022 11:42:18 +0530
Subject: [PATCH] refactor: major refactor.

 bitia/ | 233 +++++++---------------------------------------
 bitia/   |  13 +++
 bitia/   | 144 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 bitia/   |  10 ++
 bitia/  |  42 +++++++++
 5 files changed, 241 insertions(+), 201 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 bitia/
 create mode 100644 bitia/
 create mode 100644 bitia/

diff --git a/bitia/ b/bitia/
index 8ac9a68..877f61a 100644
--- a/bitia/
+++ b/bitia/
@@ -3,65 +3,25 @@
 (c) 2022-, Subconscious Compute
-import validators
 import functools
-import shutil
-import sys
-import typing as T
-import requests, requests.utils
-import pickle
-import zipfile
-import tempfile
-from pathlib import Path
-import logging
-from rich.logging import RichHandler
-FORMAT = "%(message)s"
-    level="INFO", format=FORMAT, datefmt="[%X]", handlers=[RichHandler()]
+import bitia.helper as bhelper
+from bitia.logger import logger
 import bitia
-from bitia.checksumdir import dirhash
+import bitia.session as bsession
+import bitia.config as bconfig
-logger = logging.getLogger("bitia")
-BITIA_MAIN_SCRIPT_NAME: T.Final[str] = ""
-DEFAULT_SERVER: T.Final[str] = ""
 import typer
 app = typer.Typer()
-def bitia_dir() -> Path:
-    """CLI cache directory"""
-    bdir = Path(tempfile.gettempdir()) / "bitia"
-    bdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-    return bdir
-def _save_session():
-    global g_session
-    with"wb") as fsession:
-        pickle.dump(g_session, fsession)
-def _load_session():
-    global g_session
-    if not SESSION_PICKLE_FILE.is_file():
-        return None
-    with"rb") as fsession:
-        try:
-            g_session = pickle.load(fsession)
-        except Exception as e:
-            return None
-g_session = requests.session()
-SESSION_PICKLE_FILE = bitia_dir() / ".session.pickle"
+def version_callback(value: bool):
+    """callback for version"""
+    if value:
+        print(bitia.version())
 def session(func):
@@ -69,9 +29,9 @@ def session(func):
     def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
-        _load_session()
+        bsession.load_session()
         retval = func(*args, **kwargs)
-        _save_session()
+        bsession.save_session()
         return retval
     return wrapper
@@ -79,25 +39,40 @@ def session(func):
-def submit_pipeline(user_input: str, rerun: bool = False, server: str = DEFAULT_SERVER):
+def submit_pipeline(
+    user_input: str, rerun: bool = False, server: str = bconfig.DEFAULT_SERVER
     """Submit your pipelin (url, directory, zip_file).
     Prepare the user directory to send to the server. User can also provide link
     to the pipeline to run.
-    pipeline_zip = user_input_to_pipeline(user_input)
-    containers = submit_job(pipeline_zip, rerun=rerun, server=server)
+    pipeline_zip = bhelper.user_input_to_pipeline(user_input)
+    containers = bhelper.submit_job(pipeline_zip, rerun=rerun, server=server)" Got containers {containers}")
     return containers
-def run_pipeline(user_input: str, rerun: bool = False, server: str = DEFAULT_SERVER):
+def run_pipeline(
+    user_input: str, rerun: bool = False, server: str = bconfig.DEFAULT_SERVER
+    """Run a pipeline"""
+    pipeline_zip = bhelper.user_input_to_pipeline(user_input)
+    res = bhelper.submit_job(pipeline_zip, rerun=rerun, server=server)
+    return bhelper.log_container(res["container"], server=server)
+def create_remote_infra(
+    user_input: str, rerun: bool = False, server: str = bconfig.DEFAULT_SERVER
     """Run a pipeline"""
-    pipeline_zip = user_input_to_pipeline(user_input)
-    res = submit_job(pipeline_zip, rerun=rerun, server=server)
-    return _log_container(res["container"], server=server)
+    pipeline_zip = bhelper.user_input_to_pipeline(user_input)
+    res = bhelper.submit_job(pipeline_zip, rerun=rerun, server=server)
+    return bhelper.log_container(res["container"], server=server)
@@ -106,149 +81,5 @@ def version():
-def _log_container(container: str, server: str):
-    assert (
-        container is not None
-    ), "Failed to determine the container that is runnning the pipeline. There is probably a bug in server end."
-"Fetching logs from {container}")
-    for line in _fetch_logs(container, server=server):
-        print(line.decode().rstrip())
-def _check_server_status(server: str) -> int:
-    res = requests.get(server)
-    return res.status_code
-def version_callback(value: bool):
-    if value:
-        print(bitia.version())
-def dir_info(user_dir: Path) -> dict:
-    """Check if directory is in good condition."""
-    files = [f.resolve() for f in user_dir.glob("**/*") if f.is_file()]
-    size_in_mb = sum(f.stat().st_size / 1024.0 / 1024.0 for f in files)
-    if size_in_mb > 25.0:
-        logger.warning(
-            "The size of pipeline is >25MB ({size_in_mb} MB)."
-            " You should try to reduce the size of the pipeline. TODO: See this link."
-        )
-    return dict(size_in_mb=size_in_mb, num_files=len(files), files=files)
-def prepare_archive(user_dir: Path) -> Path:
-    """Prepare the file to upload. Store it in temp directory"""
-    dinfo = dir_info(user_dir)
-    dhash = dirhash(user_dir)
-    outfile = bitia_dir() / "pipelines" / f"{dhash}.zip"
-    if outfile.is_file():
-"Reusing the existing pipeline `{outfile}`.")
-        return outfile
-"Preparing the zipfile pipeline from {user_dir}")
-" size={dinfo['size_in_mb']} MB, total files={dinfo['num_files']}")
-    outfile.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-    assert dinfo["files"], f"No file found in {user_dir}"
-    with zipfile.ZipFile(outfile, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zfile:
-        for entry in dinfo["files"]:
-  "Adding {entry} to zipfile")
-            zfile.write(entry)
-    # check the prepared zip file.
-    with zipfile.ZipFile(outfile) as zfile:
-        assert zfile.namelist(), "Empty zipfile"
-    # assert non-zero size of the zip file.
-    assert outfile.is_file(), f"{outfile} does not exists"
-    return outfile
-def create_pipeline_from_single_script(script: Path) -> Path:
-    """Create a pipelinefile from a single script"""
-    assert script.is_file(), f"{script} is not a file"
-    pipeline_dir = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="bitia_"))
-    pipeline_file = pipeline_dir / BITIA_MAIN_SCRIPT_NAME
-    # move the script to this directory.
-    shutil.copy2(script, pipeline_dir)
-    script_name =
-    with"w", newline="\n") as outf:
-        outf.write(f"#!/bin/sh\nchmod +x ./{script_name}\n./{script_name}")
-    return prepare_archive(pipeline_dir)
-def create_pipeline_from_command(cmd: str) -> Path:
-    """Create a pipeline from user input.
-    Returns
-    -------
-    The directory in which pipeline was created.
-    """
-    pipeline_dir = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="bitia_"))
-    pipeline_file = pipeline_dir / BITIA_MAIN_SCRIPT_NAME
-    with"w", newline="\n") as outf:
-        outf.write(f"#!/bin/sh\n\n{cmd}")
-"Wrote pipeline %s", pipeline_file.read_text())
-    return prepare_archive(pipeline_dir)
-def submit_job(pipeline_zip: Path, *, server: str, rerun: bool = False):
-    """Submit job to the API and stream the output."""
-    numbytes = pipeline_zip.stat().st_size
-    if (code := _check_server_status(server)) != 200:
-        logger.warning(
-            "%s may not be alive (status code: %s). Try other one?", server, code
-        )
-        sys.exit(1)
-    assert numbytes > 0
-        "Submitting %s (size=%.2f KB) to the %s",
-        pipeline_zip,
-        numbytes / 1024.0,
-        server,
-    )
-    #  submit and print the output.
-    with"rb") as f_pipeline:
-        files = {"pipeline_zip": f_pipeline}
-        response =
-            f"{server}/submit/?rerun={rerun}",
-            files=files,
-            data=dict(filename=pipeline_zip, rerun=rerun),
-        )
-        return response.json()
-def user_input_to_pipeline(user_input: str) -> Path:
-    """Create a pipeline file from user_input"""
-    if (path := Path(user_input)).exists():
-        if path.is_dir():
-            pipeline_zip = prepare_archive(path)
-        elif path.is_file() and path.suffix.lower() == ".zip":
-            pipeline_zip = path
-        elif path.is_file():
-            pipeline_zip = create_pipeline_from_single_script(path)
-        else:
-            raise NotImplementedError(f"{path} is not yet supported")
-    elif validators.url(user_input):
-        logger.warning("Fetching pipeline from url is not supported")
-        sys.exit(-1)
-    else:
-        # generate a temporary pipeline and submit.
-        pipeline_zip = create_pipeline_from_command(user_input)
-"Created pipeline in {pipeline_zip}")
-    return pipeline_zip
-def _fetch_logs(container: str, *, server):
-"Fetching logs for container `{container}`")
-    return
-        f"{server}/logs",
-        json=dict(container=container, follow=True),
-        stream=True,
-    )
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-    _load_session()
-    _save_session()
diff --git a/bitia/ b/bitia/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4afc627
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bitia/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import typing as T
+from pathlib import Path
+import tempfile
+BITIA_MAIN_SCRIPT_NAME: T.Final[str] = ""
+DEFAULT_SERVER: T.Final[str] = ""
+def bitia_dir() -> Path:
+    """CLI cache directory"""
+    bdir = Path(tempfile.gettempdir()) / "bitia"
+    bdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+    return bdir
diff --git a/bitia/ b/bitia/
index 1bdd23f..6d468fc 100644
--- a/bitia/
+++ b/bitia/
@@ -1,2 +1,146 @@
+"""Helper module"""
 __author__ = "Dilawar Singh"
 __email__ = ""
+import sys
+import zipfile
+import shutil
+from pathlib import Path
+import tempfile
+import validators
+import requests
+import bitia.config as bconfig
+import bitia.session as bsession
+from bitia.checksumdir import dirhash
+from bitia.logger import logger
+def log_container(container: str, server: str):
+    assert (
+        container
+    ), "Failed to determine the container that is runnning the pipeline. There is probably a bug in server end."
+"Fetching logs from {container}")
+    for line in bsession.fetch_logs(container, server=server):
+        print(line.decode().rstrip())
+def _check_server_status(server: str) -> int:
+    res = requests.get(server)
+    return res.status_code
+def dir_info(user_dir: Path) -> dict:
+    """Check if directory is in good condition."""
+    files = [f.resolve() for f in user_dir.glob("**/*") if f.is_file()]
+    size_in_mb = sum(f.stat().st_size / 1024.0 / 1024.0 for f in files)
+    if size_in_mb > 25.0:
+        logger.warning(
+            "The size of pipeline is >25MB ({size_in_mb} MB)."
+            " You should try to reduce the size of the pipeline. TODO: See this link."
+        )
+    return dict(size_in_mb=size_in_mb, num_files=len(files), files=files)
+def prepare_archive(user_dir: Path) -> Path:
+    """Prepare the file to upload. Store it in temp directory"""
+    dinfo = dir_info(user_dir)
+    dhash = dirhash(user_dir)
+    outfile = bconfig.bitia_dir() / "pipelines" / f"{dhash}.zip"
+    if outfile.is_file():
+"Reusing the existing pipeline `{outfile}`.")
+        return outfile
+"Preparing the zipfile pipeline from {user_dir}")
+" size={dinfo['size_in_mb']} MB, total files={dinfo['num_files']}")
+    outfile.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+    assert dinfo["files"], f"No file found in {user_dir}"
+    with zipfile.ZipFile(outfile, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zfile:
+        for entry in dinfo["files"]:
+  "Adding {entry} to zipfile")
+            zfile.write(entry)
+    # check the prepared zip file.
+    with zipfile.ZipFile(outfile) as zfile:
+        assert zfile.namelist(), "Empty zipfile"
+    # assert non-zero size of the zip file.
+    assert outfile.is_file(), f"{outfile} does not exists"
+    return outfile
+def create_pipeline_from_single_script(script: Path) -> Path:
+    """Create a pipelinefile from a single script"""
+    assert script.is_file(), f"{script} is not a file"
+    pipeline_dir = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="bitia_"))
+    pipeline_file = pipeline_dir / bconfig.BITIA_MAIN_SCRIPT_NAME
+    # move the script to this directory.
+    shutil.copy2(script, pipeline_dir)
+    script_name =
+    with"w", newline="\n") as outf:
+        outf.write(f"#!/bin/sh\nchmod +x ./{script_name}\n./{script_name}")
+    return prepare_archive(pipeline_dir)
+def create_pipeline_from_command(cmd: str) -> Path:
+    """Create a pipeline from user input.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    The directory in which pipeline was created.
+    """
+    pipeline_dir = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="bitia_"))
+    pipeline_file = pipeline_dir / bconfig.BITIA_MAIN_SCRIPT_NAME
+    with"w", newline="\n") as outf:
+        outf.write(f"#!/bin/sh\n\n{cmd}")
+"Wrote pipeline %s", pipeline_file.read_text())
+    return prepare_archive(pipeline_dir)
+def submit_job(pipeline_zip: Path, *, server: str, rerun: bool = False):
+    """Submit job to the API and stream the output."""
+    numbytes = pipeline_zip.stat().st_size
+    if (code := _check_server_status(server)) != 200:
+        logger.warning(
+            "%s may not be alive (status code: %s). Try other one?", server, code
+        )
+        sys.exit(1)
+    assert numbytes > 0
+        "Submitting %s (size=%.2f KB) to the %s",
+        pipeline_zip,
+        numbytes / 1024.0,
+        server,
+    )
+    #  submit and print the output.
+    with"rb") as f_pipeline:
+        files = {"pipeline_zip": f_pipeline}
+        response =
+            f"{server}/submit/?rerun={rerun}",
+            files=files,
+            data=dict(filename=pipeline_zip, rerun=rerun),
+        )
+        return response.json()
+def user_input_to_pipeline(user_input: str) -> Path:
+    """Create a pipeline file from user_input"""
+    if (path := Path(user_input)).exists():
+        if path.is_dir():
+            pipeline_zip = prepare_archive(path)
+        elif path.is_file() and path.suffix.lower() == ".zip":
+            pipeline_zip = path
+        elif path.is_file():
+            pipeline_zip = create_pipeline_from_single_script(path)
+        else:
+            raise NotImplementedError(f"{path} is not yet supported")
+    elif validators.url(user_input):
+        logger.warning("Fetching pipeline from url is not supported")
+        sys.exit(-1)
+    else:
+        # generate a temporary pipeline and submit.
+        pipeline_zip = create_pipeline_from_command(user_input)
+"Created pipeline in {pipeline_zip}")
+    return pipeline_zip
diff --git a/bitia/ b/bitia/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30eadc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bitia/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+from rich.logging import RichHandler
+import logging
+FORMAT = "%(message)s"
+    level="INFO", format=FORMAT, datefmt="[%X]", handlers=[RichHandler()]
+logger = logging.getLogger("bitia")
diff --git a/bitia/ b/bitia/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6851c52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bitia/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+"""API module. Uses session to avoid redundant connections"""
+import requests
+import pickle
+import bitia.config as bconfig
+from bitia.logger import logger
+g_session = requests.session()
+SESSION_PICKLE_FILE = bconfig.bitia_dir() / ".session.pickle"
+def fetch_logs(container: str, *, server):
+    """Fetch logs from a container."""
+"Fetching logs for container `{container}`")
+    return
+        f"{server}/logs",
+        json=dict(container=container, follow=True),
+        stream=True,
+    )
+def save_session():
+    """Save the current requests session as pickle"""
+    global g_session
+    with"wb") as fsession:
+        pickle.dump(g_session, fsession)
+def load_session():
+    """Load the pickled session."""
+    global g_session
+    if not SESSION_PICKLE_FILE.is_file():
+        return None
+    with"rb") as fsession:
+        try:
+            g_session = pickle.load(fsession)
+        except Exception:
+            return None
+def post(*args, **kwargs):
+    return*args, **kwargs)