termynal.js 7.26 KiB
* termynal.js
* A lightweight, modern and extensible animated terminal window, using
* async/await.
* @author Ines Montani <ines@ines.io>
* @version 0.0.1
* @license MIT
'use strict';
/** Generate a terminal widget. */
class Termynal {
* Construct the widget's settings.
* @param {(string|Node)=} container - Query selector or container element.
* @param {Object=} options - Custom settings.
* @param {string} options.prefix - Prefix to use for data attributes.
* @param {number} options.startDelay - Delay before animation, in ms.
* @param {number} options.typeDelay - Delay between each typed character, in ms.
* @param {number} options.lineDelay - Delay between each line, in ms.
* @param {number} options.progressLength - Number of characters displayed as progress bar.
* @param {string} options.progressChar – Character to use for progress bar, defaults to █.
* @param {number} options.progressPercent - Max percent of progress.
* @param {string} options.cursor – Character to use for cursor, defaults to ▋.
* @param {Object[]} lineData - Dynamically loaded line data objects.
* @param {boolean} options.noInit - Don't initialise the animation.
constructor(container = '#termynal', options = {}) {
this.container = (typeof container === 'string') ? document.querySelector(container) : container;
this.pfx = `data-${options.prefix || 'ty'}`;
this.startDelay = options.startDelay
|| parseFloat(this.container.getAttribute(`${this.pfx}-startDelay`)) || 600;
this.typeDelay = options.typeDelay
|| parseFloat(this.container.getAttribute(`${this.pfx}-typeDelay`)) || 90;
this.lineDelay = options.lineDelay
|| parseFloat(this.container.getAttribute(`${this.pfx}-lineDelay`)) || 1500;
this.progressLength = options.progressLength
|| parseFloat(this.container.getAttribute(`${this.pfx}-progressLength`)) || 40;
this.progressChar = options.progressChar
|| this.container.getAttribute(`${this.pfx}-progressChar`) || '█';
this.progressPercent = options.progressPercent
|| parseFloat(this.container.getAttribute(`${this.pfx}-progressPercent`)) || 100;
this.cursor = options.cursor
|| this.container.getAttribute(`${this.pfx}-cursor`) || '▋';
this.lineData = this.lineDataToElements(options.lineData || []);
if (!options.noInit) this.init()
* Initialise the widget, get lines, clear container and start animation.
init() {
// Appends dynamically loaded lines to existing line elements.
this.lines = [...this.container.querySelectorAll(`[${this.pfx}]`)].concat(this.lineData);
* Calculates width and height of Termynal container.
* If container is empty and lines are dynamically loaded, defaults to browser `auto` or CSS.
const containerStyle = getComputedStyle(this.container);
this.container.style.width = containerStyle.width !== '0px' ?
containerStyle.width : undefined;
this.container.style.minHeight = containerStyle.height !== '0px' ?
containerStyle.height : undefined;
this.container.setAttribute('data-termynal', '');
this.container.innerHTML = '';
* Start the animation and rener the lines depending on their data attributes.
async start() {
await this._wait(this.startDelay);
for (let line of this.lines) {
const type = line.getAttribute(this.pfx);
const delay = line.getAttribute(`${this.pfx}-delay`) || this.lineDelay;
if (type == 'input') {
line.setAttribute(`${this.pfx}-cursor`, this.cursor);
await this.type(line);
await this._wait(delay);
else if (type == 'progress') {
await this.progress(line);
await this._wait(delay);
else {
await this._wait(delay);
* Animate a typed line.
* @param {Node} line - The line element to render.
async type(line) {
const chars = [...line.textContent];
const delay = line.getAttribute(`${this.pfx}-typeDelay`) || this.typeDelay;
line.textContent = '';
for (let char of chars) {
await this._wait(delay);
line.textContent += char;
* Animate a progress bar.
* @param {Node} line - The line element to render.
async progress(line) {
const progressLength = line.getAttribute(`${this.pfx}-progressLength`)
|| this.progressLength;
const progressChar = line.getAttribute(`${this.pfx}-progressChar`)
|| this.progressChar;
const chars = progressChar.repeat(progressLength);
const progressPercent = line.getAttribute(`${this.pfx}-progressPercent`)
|| this.progressPercent;
line.textContent = '';
for (let i = 1; i < chars.length + 1; i++) {
await this._wait(this.typeDelay);
const percent = Math.round(i / chars.length * 100);
line.textContent = `${chars.slice(0, i)} ${percent}%`;
if (percent>progressPercent) {
* Helper function for animation delays, called with `await`.
* @param {number} time - Timeout, in ms.
_wait(time) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, time));
* Converts line data objects into line elements.
* @param {Object[]} lineData - Dynamically loaded lines.
* @param {Object} line - Line data object.
* @returns {Element[]} - Array of line elements.
lineDataToElements(lineData) {
return lineData.map(line => {
let div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = `<span ${this._attributes(line)}>${line.value || ''}</span>`;
return div.firstElementChild;
* Helper function for generating attributes string.
* @param {Object} line - Line data object.
* @returns {string} - String of attributes.
_attributes(line) {
let attrs = '';
for (let prop in line) {
attrs += this.pfx;
if (prop === 'type') {
attrs += `="${line[prop]}" `
} else if (prop !== 'value') {
attrs += `-${prop}="${line[prop]}" `
return attrs;
* HTML API: If current script has container(s) specified, initialise Termynal.
if (document.currentScript.hasAttribute('data-termynal-container')) {
const containers = document.currentScript.getAttribute('data-termynal-container');
.forEach(container => new Termynal(container))